채소, 조사료 연계 북한 식량작물 작부체계 기술개발
채소, 조사료 연계 북한 식량작물 작부체계 기술개발
농촌진흥청(Rural Development Administration)
농촌진흥청(Rural Development Administration)
KOICA 농업 분야 사업 종료평가 용역
KOICA 농업 분야 사업 종료평가 용역
한국국제협력단(Korea International Cooperation Agency, KOICA)
한국국제협력단(Korea International Cooperation Agency, KOICA)
KOICA 지역개발 분야 사업 종료평가 용역
KOICA 지역개발 분야 사업 종료평가 용역
한국국제협력단(Korea International Cooperation Agency, KOICA)
한국국제협력단(Korea International Cooperation Agency, KOICA)
말라위 중부지역 지속가능농업 및 조합 가치사슬 개선을 통한 소득증대사업 성과관리 연구
말라위 중부지역 지속가능농업 및 조합 가치사슬 개선을 통한 소득증대사업 성과관리 연구
굿네이버스 인터내셔날(GoodNeighbors International)
굿네이버스 인터내셔날(GoodNeighbors International)
농촌진흥청 국제개발협력 평가 매뉴얼 개발 용역
농촌진흥청 국제개발협력 평가 매뉴얼 개발 용역
농촌진흥청 (The Rural Development Administration)
농촌진흥청 (The Rural Development Administration)
아열대작물의 현장 재배를 위한 환경·경제적 가치 평가 분석
아열대작물의 현장 재배를 위한 환경·경제적 가치 평가 분석
농촌진흥청 (The Rural Development Administration)
농촌진흥청 (The Rural Development Administration)
양안 협력경험을 통한 남북한 농업분야 협력방안 연구
양안 협력경험을 통한 남북한 농업분야 협력방안 연구
서울대학교 통일평화연구원(The Institute for Peace and Unification Studies, IPUS)
서울대학교 통일평화연구원(The Institute for Peace and Unification Studies, IPUS)
2nd Establishment of Sustainable Development Goals for Food Security on the Korean Peninsula and ways to bridge the gap
2nd Establishment of Sustainable Development Goals for Food Security on the Korean Peninsula and ways to bridge the gap
농촌진흥청(Rural Development Administration.)
농촌진흥청(Rural Development Administration.)
Establishment of Sustainable Development Goals for Food Security on the Korean Peninsula and ways to bridge the gap.
Establishment of Sustainable Development Goals for Food Security on the Korean Peninsula and ways to bridge the gap.
농촌진흥청(Rural Development Administration.)
농촌진흥청(Rural Development Administration.)
Development of Mountain Simulated Ginseng Industry in connection with Regional win-win Development.
Development of Mountain Simulated Ginseng Industry in connection with Regional win-win Development.
산림청(Korea Forest Service.)
산림청(Korea Forest Service.)
2020.4.-2020. 12.
Status of Health Functional Food Market in Vietnam and the Export Plan.
Status of Health Functional Food Market in Vietnam and the Export Plan.
Benefit-Cost Analysis of Smart Livestock ICT Demonstration Complex Project.
Benefit-Cost Analysis of Smart Livestock ICT Demonstration Complex Project.
평창군(Pyeongchang County Gov.)
평창군(Pyeongchang County Gov.)
Sustainable R&D Strategies for Agriculture and Rural side in South and North Korea.
Sustainable R&D Strategies for Agriculture and Rural side in South and North Korea.
서울대학교(Seoul National University)
서울대학교(Seoul National University)
The impact of China’s supply and demand of agricultural products on the global food value chain.
The impact of China’s supply and demand of agricultural products on the global food value chain.
서울대학교(Seoul National University)
서울대학교(Seoul National University)
Analysis of Aid for Trade and the Effects of Cherry Exports in Uzbekistan.
Analysis of Aid for Trade and the Effects of Cherry Exports in Uzbekistan.
서울대학교(Seoul National University)
서울대학교(Seoul National University)
Chinese IT Companies’ Entry into Agricultural Sector and Win-Win Cooperation Model.
Chinese IT Companies’ Entry into Agricultural Sector and Win-Win Cooperation Model.
대외경제정책연구원(Korea Institute for International Economic Policy)
대외경제정책연구원(Korea Institute for International Economic Policy)
Implementation Strategy for Enhancing Outcomes of ODA Technical Cooperation Projects in the Agricultural Sector.
Implementation Strategy for Enhancing Outcomes of ODA Technical Cooperation Projects in the Agricultural Sector.
한국농촌경제연구원(Korea Rural Economic Institute)
한국농촌경제연구원(Korea Rural Economic Institute)
Structural Changes in the Import of Agricultural Products and Policy Implications Following the Implementation of FTAs.
Structural Changes in the Import of Agricultural Products and Policy Implications Following the Implementation of FTAs.
한국농촌경제연구원(Korea Rural Economic Institute)
한국농촌경제연구원(Korea Rural Economic Institute)
Implementation Review and Lessons of the Korea-ASEAN FTA in the Agricultural Sector.
Implementation Review and Lessons of the Korea-ASEAN FTA in the Agricultural Sector.
한국농촌경제연구원(Korea Rural Economic Institute)
한국농촌경제연구원(Korea Rural Economic Institute)
A Study on the Establishment of Evaluation Guidelines for Agricultural ODA Projects.
A Study on the Establishment of Evaluation Guidelines for Agricultural ODA Projects.
한국농촌경제연구원(Korea Rural Economic Institute)
한국농촌경제연구원(Korea Rural Economic Institute)
China’s Grain Supply-Demand Trend and Production Policy.
China’s Grain Supply-Demand Trend and Production Policy.
농협경제연구소(Nonghyup Economic Research Institute)
농협경제연구소(Nonghyup Economic Research Institute)
The Program Models of Integrated Rural Development.
The Program Models of Integrated Rural Development.
한국국제협력단(Korea International Cooperation Agency)
한국국제협력단(Korea International Cooperation Agency)